Forged from the Coldest Winters
Hyper Boreal is a temple to creativity and dreaming. Created 100 miles south of the Arctic Circle, it’s a way for us to show the world that magical things are happening in Alaska. We like to create our own futures as much as we can, and we have lots of plans for the future. We are currently partnered with a small but growing farm here in Alaska, but source our herbs from all over the world, utilizing quality, organic, and wild ingredients.
I’ve had vivid dreams since I was very young, and didn’t know that not all people have long, immersive, saga-like dream experiences. Now I know that it’s a special thing, and often the companion of highly creative people. Then to learn that there all sorts of plants can enhance your dream experience!? I am in love with having herbal teas in the evening that they will be augmenting my mind in such a way.
Our Store
We really care about every person who receives anything from us. Have a question? Please ask! We are not exploitive people, and treat everyone with respect. This is a business of love.